For your convenience, all international orders will be consolidated at our warehouse before they are shipped to you. This allows us to save you time and money when it comes to the shipping time and customs process.
Depending on what country you are located in, you will see options for DHL, Fedex and USPS. DHL and Fedex are both express services and delivery time normally takes about 1-6 business days after shipping.
International shipping cost is calculated based on the number of vendors that your items are coming from and the quantity of items that you are ordering from each vendor There is a shipping cost for each item from each vendor to ship to our warehouse and that cost is combined with the cost of shipping all of the items together internationally. The total cost of shipping is shown as the shipping cost at checkout.
Please note that the shipping costs do not include any customs fees or import taxes which your local government may impose.
You will receive a tracking number for each item once it is on it's way to our warehouse in Irvine, California. You will also receive a new tracking number for all items once they are consolidated and they are on their way to you. This is the most cost effective, efficient and convenient way for us to supply you with all of your American made eLiquids! If you have any questions please email us at